Sunday, September 1, 2013

Learning to Love

I thought going into this last week about evangelism that since I already learned about evangelism in my DTS I wouldn't need to really pay too much attention, I was wrong! I'm so glad that I decided to listen to God and to pay attention during the evangelism teaching. I have been really learning how to keep one ear open to God and what he has to say while talking with people. Even when we are just practicing evangelism, He still wants us to listen to him. It's not about convincing people to follow God, it's about listening to God and doing what he says and Loving the people like he loves them. When you share with someone it's not up to you whether or not that person is going to accept Jesus. One of the important things I've been learning is to get all the acceptance and love that I need in Jesus and know that people are going to reject me with the message that I have to give them. If Jesus was rejected by man, what makes us think that we won't be rejected.

God has really been giving me more of a heart for the nations, I'm beginning to realize more of what Gods plan is and how much he love people. I've been starting to look at everyone with a little bit more of Christ's love and it's life changing. I have one prayer that I started my year with and it keeps resonating in my heart and it has grown a bit. "Jesus I want to know the real you, I don't want to know what other people say about you. I just want to know you and who you say you are." God has grown the prayer from that a little bit and added these two parts: "I want to know the real God the one who created the heavens and the earth, I don't want others opinions of who you are. I just want YOU!" and " I want to Holy Spirit, my guidance and my comforter. I want to know you intimately on a very personal level, guide my life and show me your glory!" These are the prayers of my heart!

One last thing, I now know the countries of my outreach for FEET! We will be going to India, Thailand, Cambodia, and one other country that I can't mention on the internet. Please be praying for our team in the coming weeks and months, we will be leaving for outreach on Sept 18th. Also there are quite a few of us that are not feeling well so if you could keep us in prayer for health this next that would be greatly appreciated.

                                                                           I love you all so much!
                                                                   Let's change this world for God!


  1. You absolutely will always be in my prayers. Watching you grow in Christ is one of the most incredible experiences of my life as your Mom. Yes, let's do change this world for God!! <3

  2. Hunter, praying for health, protection and strength for you now and in the coming months!!!

  3. Hunter, it is so awesome to see what you are letting God do through you and in you. Thanks for that breath of fresh air when it comes to evangelism. I am praying for you. Keep kicking the enemy's butt!
